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2019 Fall Hunt

The Frank Lupien Memorial Hunt

October 5, 2019: Thornton A. Sullivan Beach Park
  • 16 members

  • $750 in clad, silver, and tokens to find

  • 45 minutes

  • Potluck

  • PTHC members and families



16 members swarmed the beach like a rabid pack of Canada Geese, though less noisy and unsanitary. For 45 minutes they swung and probed and dug and bent and stooped, loading their finds pouches with coins, tokens, and coarse Washington state sand. 


As varied as the hunters and the tools of the trade in use, there was one commonality: find as much of the planted $750 in coins (silver and clad) as possible. 


For an October hunt in WA, we caught a break: the rain held off until just minutes before hunt’s end, and it was a very light rain at that, which bothered none present, particularly those of us observing the hunt from the dry confines of the rented picnic shelter. 


Time was called at 10:45 and all made their way to picnic tables and chairs to count the found treasure. After all tokens were turned in for silver, we were quite surprised to see an unusual number left unfound: 26 dimes, 6 quarters, and 4 halfs.


Some notable finds include the silver dollar (provided by PTHC) found by Lloyd M., a risqué button, and some type of fabricated token (not planted by PTHC) found by Ray D.

Hunt History


The Frank Lupien Memorial Hunt was named in honor of one of our founding members and his generous bequest to the Pilchuck Treasure Hunting Club. Frank passed in 2001. He served in World War II in several major arenas including Saipan, Okinawa, and Nagaski. After the war, he attended and graduated from Everett C.C. and the UW with a Business degree. Other lifetime memberships included Everett Elks Lodge #479, Veterans of Foreign War Post #2100, American Legion Post #6, University of Washington Alumni Association, Everett Eagles Aerie #13, and the 2nd Marine Division Association. 

© 2024 by Pilchuck Treasure Hunting Club

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